torsdag 23. februar 2012

Live, love and laugh... its sooo damn easy here! :)

This place just doesnt stop it with the awesomeness! because of the carneval we had a loooong weekend this week, and did we ever take advantage of it?? God bless christina! :) It was a non stop fiesta from thursday through tuesday. amazing!! we travelled all over town, wine in the park, carneval street party in san telmo, delicious streetburgers, lots of love, laughter and making new friends :) y hablamos mucho espanol of course..... :D did i forget anything? hmmm... see for yourself :)

delicious streetburgers for 6 pesos. yes please! :)

mmmmMelonvodka... Vodkamelon? kamakamakamavodkameleon..... :P

wine and piccadas on a rainy night with nell and mariano <3 gotta love it!

king of the bongo bong

dinner at the delicious arabic restaurant. shisha for dessert.... :)

Playing psychologist :D :D you really learn alot about people.... :D

all you need is love... ratatatata.... 


blurry vision?

there you go! chillibomb madness! :D

el bartender es loco!!

puerto rojo

funloving chicas :) i still have no idea what they were doing? :D

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