tirsdag 28. februar 2012

Carneval weekend #2. GOD i love february!!! :D

This weekend was the second carneval-weekend which also means longweekend. again, thank you Christina! :) Not that theres a big difference between weekdays and weekends here in Argentina :) everyday is a fiesta! <3

So i started the weekend of with a houseparty at our friends that are leaving for Australia nest week. lots of fun people, live music and dancing until the small hours of the night. :)
After fiesta, we siesta! si claro! :) so i spent saturday by the pool listening to new episodes of RADIORESEPSJONEN!! :)
on sunday i went on a 7,5 hours (!!) bikeride around Buenos Aires and out to the province.. it was seriously amazing! i thought i had seen most of this city but i was wrong. felt like i was biking through five different countries. it was such an adventure! except im sunburned and my butt hurts.... :)
And then monday came, which also means LA BOMBA DEL TIEMPO! :D it was DA BOMB! (get it? la bomba...da bomb...no..? ;) ok, so this is Buenos Aires answer to Frank Znort, only a million times bigger and a million times more awesome! (Sorry Frank..) its a big band of drumplayers improvising infront of a raging crowd. it was AAAMMAAAZING!! and its every monday! hurrayy!! :)
well enough chit chat, lets see some pictures! :)

Let it snooooooow! :D

:D :D

Streetparty i San Telmo :)

<3 Carneval!!! :D

Friday nights liveband

Sightseeing Buenos Aires by bike :)

happy travelers :)

flower girl :)

A beautiful day in Palermo <3

The juice man!! :D

biking down by the river

looong awaited lunch in the shade :) grilled provoleta cheese. yum yum! :D

Crazy popcorn-on-a-stick lady.. wtf?? :P

kids fishing

Crazy poodlebike man
NEXT UP: La Bomba madness :D :D

Check out the video from the show here:


Amazing people :D

Me and my girl Nell <3

Sweaty and happy :D

Duuuuude!! so awesome! :D

The conductor. Its all improvised and he makes signs with his fingers so the drummers will know what to do :D how cool is that?? :D

Family <3


Finishing of with a picture from the absolutely beauuuutiful sunset tonight.
The sky was on fire!! :D

Adios muchachos! :D

torsdag 23. februar 2012

Live, love and laugh... its sooo damn easy here! :)

This place just doesnt stop it with the awesomeness! because of the carneval we had a loooong weekend this week, and did we ever take advantage of it?? God bless christina! :) It was a non stop fiesta from thursday through tuesday. amazing!! we travelled all over town, wine in the park, carneval street party in san telmo, delicious streetburgers, lots of love, laughter and making new friends :) y hablamos mucho espanol of course..... :D did i forget anything? hmmm... see for yourself :)

delicious streetburgers for 6 pesos. yes please! :)

mmmmMelonvodka... Vodkamelon? kamakamakamavodkameleon..... :P

wine and piccadas on a rainy night with nell and mariano <3 gotta love it!

king of the bongo bong

dinner at the delicious arabic restaurant. shisha for dessert.... :)

Playing psychologist :D :D you really learn alot about people.... :D

all you need is love... ratatatata.... 


blurry vision?

there you go! chillibomb madness! :D

el bartender es loco!!

puerto rojo

funloving chicas :) i still have no idea what they were doing? :D

torsdag 16. februar 2012

The average person laughs 15 times a day... we are definitely not average :D

Holaaaa! :D
i am now going on my third week in muy buenos aires and im just falling more and more i love with this city! this past week has been busy with spanish grammar, latin american literature, late nights, two goodbye parties (for the same person might i add ;) asado, jummy food, tango and amazing people!

My spanish is improving by the day, but its intense! its hard making your brain work enough to learn spanish grammar in a 40 degree sauna! :P but our professors are incredible and my classmates are great, so we are on our way! Being able to communicate really makes life so much easier! :D

its been hot hot hot this week, so the pool and aircondition has been amazing companions.
So has my little family here! we have had such an amazing week with lots of craziness! my good friend vivi left yesterday so we tried to make the best out of our last week together. she was supposed to leave last friday, but with repeated guilt-trips, wine and many smiles she decided to stay a few more days. yay!! :D

Well... a picture says more than a thousand words... enjoy! :D

Argentina has THE BEST icecream!! :D

what was supposed to be Vivis goodbye brunch :P

champagne and piccadas by the pool <3



sunday-lunch with Hedvig and Anette in Palermo
a normal afternoon... 

Tango in San Telmo

silly argentinos! :P

Shopping!!! :D its soooo cheap! almost like im saving money..... right?

Vivis 2nd goodbye asado :D

Anna <3

The soon to be chefs :)

Vivi <3

Amy Winehouse.... :D


Mariano and chicho

Chau Vivi! <3

Thats it for now... :D Adios!!